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Legal Advice

To comply with the obligations set out in Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), the owner of this website – hereinafter the provider or owner – provides users with the following information:


Name of the owner: JBB ASSETS, S.L. NIF: B65567109


NIF: B65567109

Tel.: +34 609987710

Email: legal@jbbassets.com

Date of last review: June 2024

Registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona, Volume 42621, Folio 0151, Book 412036, Entry 1.


Website Usage Terms


Access to and use of the website confers the status of user, implying full and unreserved acceptance of the content of this legal notice from that moment. The user agrees to use the website, its services, and contents in accordance with the law, morality, good customs, and public order, as well as with the provisions of this legal notice. The owner reserves the right to modify any information that may appear on the website, without any obligation to notify or inform users of such modifications, with publication on the provider’s website being considered sufficient.


Intellectual and Industrial Property


All intellectual and industrial property rights of the website and its contents (including, but not limited to texts, images, graphic design, logos, trademarks, icons, buttons, software, trade names, audiovisual works, sound, photographic, audiovisual works, etc.), as well as its graphic design and source codes, are the property of the owner or third parties who have authorized their use. Any reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available, extraction, reuse, forwarding, or use of the total or partial content of the website, in any form or modality, without the prior and express written consent of the owner or the respective rights holders, is expressly prohibited. The user agrees to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of the owner and third parties. Unauthorized use of the website’s content may constitute a violation of the applicable regulations on intellectual and industrial property and other rights. The logos, trademarks, and any other distinctive signs displayed on the website are the property of the owner or third parties. The use of these without the prior and written authorization of the owner or their legitimate owners is prohibited. If the user detects any infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, they are requested to immediately notify the email address indicated in the header.




The website owner is not responsible for the misuse of the content of the website, being the sole responsibility of the user who accesses or uses it. The owner is not responsible for the information and content stored, including but not limited to, in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks, or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the provider’s website. However, and in compliance with the provisions, the owner is available to all users, authorities, and security forces, actively collaborating in the removal or, where appropriate, blocking of all content that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, third-party rights, or morality and public order. In case the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, they are requested to notify the website administrator immediately.




Offers made by users through the forms provided for this purpose on this website are merely informative and are not binding. The offers submitted do not confer any preferential purchase rights or any other benefit to the user making the offer, being subject to review, confirmation, and approval by JBB ASSETS, S.L.


Personal Data Protection


The personal data collected through the website will be processed in accordance with current regulations on data protection LOPDGDD 3/2018 and the EU GDPR 679/2016. For more information, please see our privacy policy.


Cookie Policy

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to improve browsing experience and offer personalized content. For more information, please see our cookie policy.




The website may contain links to third-party websites. The owner assumes no responsibility for the content, information, or services that may appear on such sites, which are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply any relationship between the owner and the owners of such content.



The owner reserves the right to make changes to the website, this legal notice, and its terms of use at any time and without prior notice. It is the user’s responsibility to periodically review these terms and conditions.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction


This legal notice is governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any dispute that may arise from visiting the website or the use of the services or products offered therein, the owner and the user agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

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